Look at news stories!! Team returning to prominence!!
Hahahah. Get it???
This is driving fans of Team to AIRWAVES to POINT OUT that Team cannot win baseball games as Team Returns to Prominence! Sometimes it's important to STATE OBVIOUS.
But look what Pete Schmuck said, which is true:
Wayward O has different take. Blog thinks Ripken and Peter G. Angelos, attorney at law, have no intention of working together and Rip feels it's Angelos' duty to ultimately hand over keys and let baseball people take over.
Angelos could sell Team for $200 million profit!! But Petey doesn't need any more money!! He is RICH OLD MANG.
Angelos said Rip doesn't want a "baseball" or a "secondary" position. Rip wants to be the owner and or top dog!
Some say Rip doesn't have enough LOOT to be owner. But he could raise LOOT in about THREE WEEKS. And he's probably already got his MUNI BOND DOGS all lined up and ready to chase rabbit!!!
This is OPENING SALVO in DECADE-LONG struggle by RIP to TAKE OWNERSHIP CONTROL of Team. Will he succeed? YES. <--- (This is PREDICTION!!!!!)
As for RETURN TO PROMINENCE. Wayward O kind of thinks Team has enough talent to RETURN FROM BEING COMPLETELY TERRIBLE. As for PROMINENCE, that's another story.
Word is goodish on Brian Roberts. That's most important. Blog still holds out hope for Mike Gonzalez. Also sort of important. As for Koji Uehara, not so important; he has unfortunately become a BUST. Who else hurt? BLOG CAn'T REMEMBER RIGHT NOW! Tejada apparently not!
Hahahah. Get it???
This is driving fans of Team to AIRWAVES to POINT OUT that Team cannot win baseball games as Team Returns to Prominence! Sometimes it's important to STATE OBVIOUS.
But look what Pete Schmuck said, which is true:
Cal Ripken Jr. "certainly has no experience in the kind of crisis managementHim, Owner and Blog all three! CRISIS MANGEMENT!!!!
necessary to turn around this particular organization."
Wayward O has different take. Blog thinks Ripken and Peter G. Angelos, attorney at law, have no intention of working together and Rip feels it's Angelos' duty to ultimately hand over keys and let baseball people take over.
Angelos could sell Team for $200 million profit!! But Petey doesn't need any more money!! He is RICH OLD MANG.
Angelos said Rip doesn't want a "baseball" or a "secondary" position. Rip wants to be the owner and or top dog!
Some say Rip doesn't have enough LOOT to be owner. But he could raise LOOT in about THREE WEEKS. And he's probably already got his MUNI BOND DOGS all lined up and ready to chase rabbit!!!
This is OPENING SALVO in DECADE-LONG struggle by RIP to TAKE OWNERSHIP CONTROL of Team. Will he succeed? YES. <--- (This is PREDICTION!!!!!)
As for RETURN TO PROMINENCE. Wayward O kind of thinks Team has enough talent to RETURN FROM BEING COMPLETELY TERRIBLE. As for PROMINENCE, that's another story.
Word is goodish on Brian Roberts. That's most important. Blog still holds out hope for Mike Gonzalez. Also sort of important. As for Koji Uehara, not so important; he has unfortunately become a BUST. Who else hurt? BLOG CAn'T REMEMBER RIGHT NOW! Tejada apparently not!